Applying a Filter

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Filter Feature Expanded

A filter is applied by selecting from a sets options arranged in groups, called account properties.

>> To apply a filter:

  • Expand the filter manager
  • Click on the tab of the account property from which you want to select a filter
  • Click on the specific group item you want to filter by
  • The filter is immediately applied to on-screen or reporting data and is reflected in the filter description bar.
  • To extend the filter repeat the steps above to select a new item from another account property group

In the example graphic, the "Genesis Energy" filter option has been selected from the "Retailer" account property group. Note that “All Accounts” filter status has been replaced by “Retailer: Genesis Energy Ltd” and the option under the retailer group has been greyed out.

NOTE: While you can create a filter using options from more than one group, only one option from a group can be used in a filter at any one time.

Filter example one
Filter example two

The filter manager does not display options that are excluded by a currently applied filter. In the first of the example graphic no filter has been applied and the Regions group contains four filter options. However, once the NHH option from the Metering group has been applied the number of options in the Regions group drops to two: Marlborough and Other. This is because there are no NHH accounts in Otago or Southland, and applying the NHH filter has removed these options from the Regions group.

>> To remove a filter item from the current filter click on the remove filter icon ( x ) in the current filter description bar.

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