Connection Details

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A connection is the physical point at which consumption of a commodity is metered for billing purposes (e.g. ICP for electricity or gas).

An account may be associated with a number of connection points over time and vice versa. The connections (ICPs) page allows connection details to be used, as an alternative to account Id, for accessing cost and consumption data.

Data filtered by a connection may contain history stretching back over several accounts, possibly with more than one supplier. Charts and tables for connections are more likely to span longer historical periods than would be the case if only the account was selected.

Electricty Consumption Vs Electricity Cost

Monthly Consumption vs Cost - Energy (default)

Object type
Double Y-axis chart
To compare how normalised monthly consumption tracks against cost over a period for one or more sites. Nearly all graph features can be configured in-session, allowing the page to be used for connections of any commodity.
Reporting interval
Monthly Totals
Plot type
Bar and line
Start date
Current year -3
End date
Current month
Configurable in session
Start date
End date
Graph type
Y1 axis 1 variable
Y1 axis 1 plot type
Y1 axis 2 variable
Y1 axis 2 plot type

Parent - Standard Configuration - Home

Electricty Actual vs Forecast Cost

Monthly Actual vs Forecast Consumption - Energy (default)

Object type
Single Axis chart
To highlight variance between actual and forecast consumption profiles for one or more sites.
Reporting interval
Plot type
Start date
Current year -4
End date
Current month +18
Configurable in session
Start date
End date
Graph type
Y1 axis 1 variable
Y1 axis 1 plot type
Y1 axis 2 variable
Y1 axis 2 plot type

Parent - Standard Configuration - Home

Connections Table (Left)
Connections Details Panel)

Connection Browser

Object type
Connection List
To provide fast access to details for all Accounts with associated with a connection (ICP).
Reporting interval
Last 12 months
Start date
Current year -1
End date
Current month
Configurable in session
Start date
End date
Feature Description
Number of Entries Selector
Selects how many connections entries will appear in the object (a vertical scroll bar will appear when more entries than can fit in the control are selected).
Off-Screen Entry Selector
A set of numbered buttons, reach representing a sub-page containing the selected number of currently off-screen connection entries.
Connection Search
Allows the current set of connection entries to be filtered by a search string. Search takes place across all fields in the connection line and is applied with each character is typed.
Count of Entries
Shows a count of the individual connections currently accessible (this count is updated as searches are applied.
Sortable Columns
All columns with a pale grey double headed arrow on the right margin of the column header cell are sortable. A single click anywhere in the column cell sorts the whole connection list in ascending order by the contents of the column. A second click re-sorts in descending order. The list can only be sorted by one column at a time. Currently applied sorts are indicated by replacing the grey double headed arrows with a single dark grey arrow head (down for descending order, up for ascending order).
Connection Selection
Clicking anywhere in a row in the connection list (which will be highlighted as the mouse moves over it) will cause the individual connection to be applied in the filter. This causes all pages in the data section to display only data related to that connection.

Parent - Standard Configuration - Home

Connections Table (Left)

Notes Browser

Object type
Notes browser
To allow viewing and editing of notes (e.g. meter notes) associated with the connection.
Configurable in session

Parent - Standard Configuration - Home