Binary Output

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Example BinaryOutput Window

A Binary Output Resource defines which of EMarket's Entity-trait data elements will be included in the Binary file outputs at run time. Binary Output is the database that EMarket creates during a run. By placing a tick next to the appropriate traits which you want saved, the data can be saved or discarded. The data set takes up a lot of space so only saving what is required can significantly reduce computer disk storage.

Note: EMarket produces data in two basic formats: binary file and text file. EMarket uses an internal binary format for efficient processing of forecast data, while text data used primarily for data post-processing in other application. EMarket can produce on-screen reports using binary data, however this data must be converted to text file (using a Reports Batch or Output Specification Resource) before it can be exported for use by other applications.

Binary Output Fields

Name The name of the Binary Output Resource
Description Free text field for supplementary information about the Binary Output.
Entity-Trait A full check list of all EMarket's Entity-Traits that can be output in binary form.

Note: The Default Binary Output Resource is provided with EMarket. This Resource defines a typical selection of Binary Output data and cannot be edited.

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