EMK:Demand Profile

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The Demand Profile is a file which gives the forecast demand for certain time period. This file is created in a separate program called the 'Demand File Writer'.

The Demand Profile contains demand information (by half hour) for each node modelled in the grid. It is usually updated annually and based on actual historic demand.

A Demand profile file (<Grid name>_DP.dat) contains a list of Nodes and their proportional share of Demand for a particular year (by period), where the year runs form 1st April of a year to 31st March of the next. The proportional share is calculated on the basis of actual metered data for a year and is stored to half hourly detail. So, for a particular Node on a particular day, in a particular half hour period, that Node's (proportional) share of total annual Demand at that time is held.

More info in Ancillary Files

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