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Example Regions Window

The Regions Window allocates Grid Nodes to Regions for Demand modelling. EMarket uses the following information to calculate Nodal Demand for each Tick in a Run:

  • Demand profile file (specified using the Demand Regionsfield in the Run Window)
  • Regional Demand (Demand Box in the Run Window)
  • Demand adjustments made through the Schedule (Schedule Box in the Run Window)

The Regions Resource Editor has three components:

  1. Details Box
  2. Regions box
  3. Node - Region Allocation Box

Regions Editor Fields

Details Box

Description Supplementary information describing the Region
Demand Profile Provides a list of Nodes for allocation

Regions Box

Regions Maintains an editable list of Regions

Node - Region Allocation Box

Node A non-editable list of Nodes in the selected Grid resource
Region The Region associated with the corresponding Node

To create a new Regions Resource

  1. Open a new blank Regions Window by clicking anywhere in the Regions Box in the Main Window and pressing <insert>
  2. Fill out the Name and Description fields
  3. Select the Demand Profile file associated with the resource by clicking in the Demand Profile field and pressing space, then using the up/down arrow keys scroll through and select the required Demand Profile.
  4. Once a Demand Profile has been selected:
    1. A Region named 'Other' will appear as the only Node in the Regions Box
    2. A list of all the Nodes in the Demand profile file will appear in the Node - Region Allocation Box
    3. Initially all Nodes will be allocated to the 'Other' Region
  5. Change the 'Other' region name to a required Region name (this will automatically change the Region allocation of all Nodes)
  6. Add new Regions by clicking on the 'Regions' column header in the 'Regions box pressing the <insert> key and then renaming the new Region with a meaningful name
  7. Allocate Nodes individually to the newly created Regions by clicking the Region field next to a specific Node in the Node - Region Allocation Box, pressing <spacebar> to activate the cell and then using the arrow keys to select the appropriate Region for the Node.

Warning: The Demand profile specified in this window does NOT determine the Demand profile used during a run. Its sole function is to provide a convenient list of Nodes for assignment purposes.

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