EMK:Executing a Run

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The Batch Resource is a specialised Resource type that allows you to control the sequencing and timing of Run executions. The execution of all Runs must be initiated from the Batch Window. Therefore a Run is always submitted as part of a Batch and a Batch must contain at least one Run Definition to be submitted.

Batch Window

Example Batch Window

The Batch Window is used to control the submission of Runs for execution by EMarket's simulation model. It is accessible through the Batch tab at the top left of the Main Window. A blank Batch Window can be created by clicking anywhere in the Batch Resources box in the Main Window and pressing <Insert>.

The Batch Window has three components:

  1. The Prepare Batch Box
  2. The Batch Queue Box
  3. The Progress Indicator

The Prepare Batch Box

This is used to Batch Runs together for sequential execution.

Prepare Batch Box Fields

Batch Name Name of the Batch to be submitted, only mandatory if you want to save the Batch for later use
Run Time The time and date the Batch of Runs will be executed. This allows you to delay the execution of Runs to a time which is convenient (e.g. overnight). This should be entered date first, then time in 24 hour time. e.g 14/6/2013 14:25 would start the run at 2:25pm on the 14th June 2013.
Run Name List of Runs awaiting submission
Submit Batch Submits the Batch of Runs listed to the Run queue

To add a Run to a Batch:

Through the Batch Window click on the Run Name column header and press <insert>. A popup window containing a list of available Run definitions will appear, select the required Run definition and confirm by pressing <Enter>. Clicking OK will make the popup window will disappear, and a new row will be created under the Run Name column containing the name of the selected Run Definition.

Alternatively through the Main Window click on the Run tab to open the Run Resources box. Highlight a Run by clicking on it and then press <Ctrl a> (or select Add Run to Batch through the Batch menu in the at the top of the Main Window) to open a new Batch Window, with the highlighted Run already in the Run Name column.

Note that you can also paste a series of run names directly into the Batch window. This useful if you are running a lot of runs.

To delete a Run from a Batch simply highlight the unwanted Run and press <Delete>

The Check Runs Button

This button will initiate a check on all Run Definitions in your Batch. If successful this process will confirm that your Definitions are ready to execute.

The Submit Batch Button

This button moves a prepared Batch to the Batch Queue (i.e. initiates execution).

Advanced Options

Water values only - Check Box - Ticking this check box means EMarket will only calculate the water values of the runs listed in the batch.

Wait for WVs - Check Box - Ticking this check box means Emarket won't calculate WV's, but will instead remain in a wait state until WVs exist in the WV directory. This function is used with the above function so an external source can calculate WVs.

Batch Queue Box

Displays the status of Batches in the Batch queue.

Batch Queue Box fields

Batch The name of a submitted Batch
Run Time The scheduled execution time for the Batch
Status *Ready: EMarket is preparing to carry out the Run
  • Running <run number>: The Run and its version number that EMarket is currently executing
  • Done <run number>: Runs that EMarket has completed

The Abort Run button can be used to stop a run at any stage of it's progress.

The Abort Batch button will stop the current Batch once the current Run has finished.

Batch Priority

  • Batches will run at the date and time specified unless there is already a Batch running.
  • A Batch added to the queue with the current time and date will execute immediately.
  • Batches queued at the same time and date will execute sequentially, one after the other.

Warning: If EMarket has been closed down, pending batches will not be executed at the specified time.

Progress Indicator

This shows the progress of a Run during it's execution and has the following components:

  • Current Batch Number: the name of the Batch currently running.
  • Run Definition Name: the name of the Run Definition currently running.
  • Version Identifier: the Version of the Run currently running.
  • Current Tick: The current Tick of the run.
  • Batch Progress Bar: Indicates progress of the current Batch.
  • Run Progress Bar: Indicates progress of the current Run.

Note: If the Auto Calc Water Values field in the Run window is set to True, then a Water Value calculation sequence will occur prior to the Run starting. The progress of this calculation will also be shown in the Progress Indicator.

Using the Batch Window

Saving a Batch will allow you to retrieve it at a later time. This can be done by highlighting the Batch to be saved in the Batch Resources box in the Main Window and either pressing <Ctrl s> or going to File and selecting Save Data.

Submitting a Batch

Select the Batch you wish to submit and click the Submit Batch button in the Batch Window.

Alternatively select the Batch you wish to submit and press <Ctrl u> to add the Batch or individual Run definitions to the Batch Queue.

Once a Batch has been submitted, the Batch number or name will appear in the Batch field of the Batch Queue box, along with the scheduled time for the Batch to be executed and it's status.

Note: EMarket uses the Run Definition as specified at the time of execution and not at the time of submission. Changes to a Run Definition in a Batch submitted for delayed execution will be effective when the Definition is executed.

You may change the scheduled time of a queued Batch that is waiting to execute.

Once the Batch has finished (indicated by "Done <Batch ID>" in the status field in the Batch Queue box), the results of a completed Run will appear in the Results box under the name of the Run Definition and the Batch ID. The results for the completed Run or Runs can be viewed immediately by left clicking on the toggle box (+) to the left of the Run Id number and double-clicking the results to be viewed.

For more information on results check out the Results Section.

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